Eye Care News – National Eye Health Strategy Bill brought before Parliament

Eye Care News - National Eye Health Strategy Bill brought before Parliament

Eye care news and updates from the Flame Health blog. Marsha de Cordova’s bill had its first reading on Tuesday 29 November.

The National Eye Health Strategy Bill received its first reading in Parliament on Tuesday (29 November).

The bill was brought forward by Marsha de Cordova MP, the Labour MP for Battersea and co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Eye Health and Vision Impairment.

It would “improve the quality of life of people with sight loss, address health inequalities, and link up patient pathways for overall improved health outcomes” if passed, de Cordova said.

The bill is supported by the AOP, The Eyes Have It partnership, the Thomas Pocklington Trust and Specsavers, amongst others.

Speaking in the House of Commons in her motion for leave to bring the bill forward, de Cordova stated that a national eye health strategy published by the Secretary of State for Health should: “include measures for improving eye health outcomes, for reducing waiting times for eye health care, for improving patient experiences of care, for ensuring that providers of care work together in an efficient way, for increasing the capacity and skills of the eye health care workforce, and for making more effective use of research and innovation in eye health care.”

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