Eye care news – ‘Ambitious’ eye care reform programme in Wales given go-ahead

Eye care news - ‘Ambitious’ eye care reform programme in Wales given the go-ahead

Eye care updates: The new Welsh General Ophthalmic Services Contract will see optometrists delivering more clinical care work and having greater involvement in primary care decision making.

An ‘ambitious’ plan to reform eyecare in Wales was given ministerial sign-off yesterday (Tuesday 20 September.)

The new Welsh General Ophthalmic Services Contract, which will see ‘significant cultural change within the profession,’ will be rolled out over the next 18 months.
The plans were announced by health and social care minister, Elenud Morgan, on Tuesday.

Changes will see optometrists delivering more clinical work within the primary care setting and taking on greater involvement in local decision making.

Training and support will take place in the coming months, starting with a webinar on Monday 26 September.

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Eye care news Eye care news - ‘Ambitious’ eye care reform programme in Wales given go-ahead

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