Optometrist releases picture book explaining why children might need glasses

Optometrist releases picture book explaining why children might need glasses

Optometrist releases picture book explaining why children might need glasses. Stephanie Lipsey-Liu’s book, We love our glasses, is free in ebook form for five days.

The clinical aspects have been checked over by Hoya, who will also be helping Lipsey-Liu to market the book.

The picture book is illustrated by illustrator and art therapist Viktoria Soltis-Doan. Itis designed for optometrists to stock in practice, or to recommend to their patients.

It is available for purchase on Amazon, costing £6.99, however Lipsey-Liu plans to sell to optometrists at a discounted rate of £4.99. £4.79 if ordering more than 10, and £4.49 if ordering more than 20. Practices are then able to sell them on at whatever price they like. Those who want to order copies for their practices should email Lipsey-Liu at littlelionpublishinguk@gmail.com

For a limited time, Lipsey-Liu is also offering the Kindle version for free for optometry professionals. In order to read the book before buying it or recommending it to patients.

What to do next:

Optometrist Optometrist releases picture book explaining why children might need glasses

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