Eye care – New guide to using eye drops released by Glaucoma UK

Eye care - New guide to using eye drops released by Glaucoma UK

The charity is encouraging practitioners to make patients aware of the guide during World Glaucoma Week 2022. A new step-by-step guide to using eye drops has been released by Glaucoma UK.

The charity has released the guide, entitled ‘Easy read: putting in your eye drops,’ to mark World Glaucoma Week 2022 (6 - 12 March.)

It can be downloaded free of charge from the Glaucoma UK website.

There are an estimated 700,000 people in the UK living with glaucoma, although half are not aware that they have the condition.

Many glaucoma patients who are prescribed eye drops do not use them correctly, risking damage to their vision, Glaucoma UK said.

The guide offers simple advice on using drops, with clear text and step-by-step diagrams. It also answers common questions patients often have about the treatment. Such as how to schedule in multiple drops and what to do if the drop misses their eye.

Joanna Bradley, head of support services at Glaucoma UK, said: “We regularly hear from patients who struggle with putting in their drops, either due to the bottle designs or because they don’t know how best to get the drops in their eye. They are often very anxious about the subsequent impact this might have on their vision. In fact, eye drops are one of the top three reasons that people call our helpline.

You can read the full article on the Optometry Today website, by clicking here

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Eye care Eye care - New guide to using eye drops released by Glaucoma UK

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