How optometrists are affected by reduced self-isolation requirements

How optometrists are affected by reduced self-isolation requirements

Healthcare workers/Optometrists who test positive for COVID-19 may return to work after seven days of isolation. Based upon if they return negative lateral flow tests.

The UK Health and Security Agency has confirmed that optometrists, who test positive for COVID-19 can end isolation after seven days. As opposed to the usual 10.

Health and care workers may resume work provided they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms. As well have returned two negative lateral flow tests taken 24 hours apart.

Staff should continue to take lateral flow tests on day eight, day nine and day 10.

The UKHSA has also highlighted that if the staff member works with patients who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, a risk assessment should be undertaken. Consideration should also be given to redeployment for the remainder of the 10-day isolation period.

Chief executive of UKHSA, Dr Jenny Harries, highlighted that it is “crucial” that people continue to take lateral flow tests. This is in line with guidance and following public health advice.

“As always, we urge everyone who is eligible to get their booster jab without delay, wear a mask in crowded spaces, on public transport, and in shops, wash your hands regularly and ventilate rooms well,” she said.

You can read the full article on the Optometry Today website, by clicking here

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Optometrists How optometrists are affected by reduced self-isolation requirements

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