Flame Health Pharmacy – Latest Opportunities

FH - Pharmacy jobsAre you looking for a new Pharmacy position? We currently have a wide range of vacancies available!
The UK market for Pharmacy Jobs is consistently expanding and diversifying with leading supermarkets developing national networks of pharmacies and existing pharmacy companies developing their brands and range of services. With the growth of the market, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Managers are now being encouraged to develop effective working relationships with PCT’s in order to provide integral services to the community such as Medicine Use Reviews, Smoking Cessation, Methadone, Diabetic Screening, EHC and other PCT led services.
We currently have new positions for:

Flame Health Pharmacy provide professional recruitment solutions to the Pharmacy sector, specialising in jobs for pharmacy jobs, Pharmacists,Pharmacy Managers, Community Pharmacists, 2nd Pharmacists, Senior Pharmacy Management, Pre-Registration Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and all associated Pharmacy Support Staff. We are continuously updated with the latest Jobs and exclusive opportunities across our UK pharmacy network.
To apply or for more Pharmacy opportunities please visit our website or contact Flame Health Freephone on 0800 085 0858 or if calling from a mobile on 01158 114488 alternatively email careers@flamehealth.com

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