What Not To Do In A Job Interview!

HR professionals have reported a rise in inappropriate, or even bizaare, behaviour from graduates in job interviews.
The behaviour which has been reported includes texting, taking phone calls, dressing inappropriately and using overly casual, or slang, language.
Jamie Hall, the Vice President of the HR Policy Association, says that although such behaviour may seem completely normal outside of an interview, an interview is still 'a traditional environment' and should be treated as such.
The more extreme examples of odd behaviour include bringing a parent along... or even a cat!
Such behaviour, from the extreme to the perhaps more forgivable examples, are exhibited by around 1 in 5 graduates, with a noteable increase being seen in the last 3 years. It has been suggested that this is due to a generation growing up with texting, smartphones and social media, resulting in stunted social skills.cat
Recruiters have said that any such behaviour in an interview can seriously harm the chances of a job offer, and should be avoided! The HR Policy Association have launched a website to provide advice to first-time job seekers about interviewing, resumes, and workplace behavior: jobipedia.org

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