Have you had your say?

Have you had your say?

The General Dental Council (GDC) is asking for as many views as possible on its proposed new standards for dental professionals in the UK.
A consultation is currently running and the GDC is keen to hear from as many people as possible before it closes at the end of December 2012.
The new ‘GDC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics’ will be the code of behaviour that all registrants have to agree to abide by when they register with the GDC.
The proposed changes include:

  • Registrants providing private treatment must make sure that a simple list of costs is clearly visible in their reception or waiting area.
  • Registrants who employ, manage or lead a team should make sure that team members are given the opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Registrants must work with an appropriately trained and registered team member when treating patients.
  • Registrants should inform the GDC immediately if they are subject to any criminal proceedings.

Have your say here: http://www.gdc-uk.org/GDCcalendar/Consultations/Pages/Review-of-Standards-Consultation.aspx

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