Career development within Pharmacy. Can it be improved?

The Modernising Pharmacy Careers Board has stated that career development within pharmacy needs to be more efficient and effective.
It has published eight proposals for reforming post-registration career development in England, setting out work that should be taken forward by a range of organisations including the MPC board, Health Education England (formerly Medical Education England), the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, the General Pharmaceutical Council and employers.
The proposals include:

  • Strategies be developed for enhancing the development and assessment of junior pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
  • A detailed review be carried out of current post-registration learning and assessments that are relevant to medicines optimisation and public health services
  • HEE should undertake, at a national level, workforce planning for specialist roles, and commission the necessary education and training
  • Formal links be formed between employers and academia and funding be secured to support the development of clinical leadership roles, including consultant pharmacists
  • Similar consideration be given to expanding, and securing funding for, the development of the clinical academic workforce

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