Can pharmacists do more for diabetic patients?

As a pharmacist have you been asked to back the Charity Diabetes UK campaign?
The Putting Feet First campaign has been set up following research that showed poor levels of foot care for people with diabetes. People with diabetes are more than 20 times more likely to have a lower limb amputation, and about 80 per cent of the 6,000 diabetes-related amputations in England every year are preventable.
If you are backing this campaign, what are you doing to support this issue? Are you taking a greater role in monitoring your patients? Charity Diabetes UK wants everyone with diabetes to get a thorough annual foot check and for foot ulcers in diabetic patients to be referred to specialist diabetes footcare teams within 24 hours. Is this something that you would consider?
With more information in the news about going to your pharmacist over your GP it will be interesting to see if the charity can encourage pharmacists to help their patients with this issue.

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