Continuing Professional Development. GDC Survey Reveals Interesting Results.

Flame Health Dentistry  are intrigued to hear that a GDC survey reveals that online learning is generally the preferred learning style of more than half of all GDC registrants.
The GDC introduced compulsory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for dentists in 2002 and for dental care professionals (DCPs) in 2008. The current requirements for both registrant categories have been in place since 2008 and the GDC felt the time was right to undertake a review.
Findings include : dental technicians find it least easy to identify the right CPD for them, dental nurses and dental technicians say they find it less easy to be motivated to do CPD and  65% of all registrants generally do CPD outside of working hours. Time and cost are perceived to be the greatest barrier to undertaking CPD.
We would like to hear your thoughts on this. Do you have any issues with the CPD? Please let us know.

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