News from the College of Optometrists

Flame Health are happy to hear that the College of Optometrists have plans in place to be more cost effective and supportive.
This has been driven after a low uptake of its current advanced education. Members highlighted that barriers to applications included financial and time constraints, gaining the required experience needed to enter the examination, and a lack of financial reward. 
The College has looked at collaboration with universities and other organisations to help its new Higher Qualifications become nationally recognised qualifications for working in enhanced services. 
A review, led by College president Dr Cindy Tromans (pictured), has produced a framework within which any qualification proposed by universities and other organisations would have to fit. It also highlighted the required criteria against which the qualifications would be accredited. 
Director of education at the College, Jacqueline Martin, said: "We will no longer deliver the qualifications. Instead universities and other organisations will apply to the College for accreditation of modular qualifications that they offer in line with our qualifications framework."

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