Clinical Trials of iDENTifi

A team of scientists from the University of Liverpool has won an award for developing a device that can identify early tooth decay and plaque before it is visible to the eye.
The innovation, iDENTifi, comprises a clinical digital camera which incorporates qualitative light induced fluorescence (QLF) technology to take images of the mouth using blue light anspecial filters which can show up early stage plaque, tiny cavities and secondary cavities. 
The device can identify more mature and potentially damaging plaque without the need for current methods using unsightly dyes or disclosing agents and has the potential to improve preventive dental strategies, and could change patient's dental care and dietary behaviour.
iDENTifi will be of particular benefit to orthodontic patients to highlight plaque left behind after cleaning as this is more difficult with orthodontic appliances in the mouth.
iDENTifi will continue to be used in clinical trials  and a launch is anticipated in summer 2012

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