What makes you Smile?

Chocolate has topped the poll for the thing that makes most people smile!
As this year's National Smile Month comes to an end, the British Dental Health Foundation has been asking hundreds of people what makes them smile the most. The chocolate bar has topped the poll!
Around half of respondents featured chocolate on their list of items, with 60% of women making it their favourite choice. However men preferred a Sunday roast!
Dr Nigel Carter, Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation said, "It is clear the nation has a very sweet tooth and chocolate definitely has the smile factor. Chocolate may not be the best thing for your teeth but if everyone follows the Foundation's 3 rules for good oral health, it’s something we can all continue to enjoy."
Flame Health created a poll of their own to find out what makes us smile. Take a look and see if you agree…
Sam: Holidays
Matthew: Kelly Brook
Lauren: Shopping and Cheesecake
Claire: The smell of washing when it is fresh off the washing line
Mel: Seeing her daughter's little sleepy face in a morning
Danielle: Chocolate buttons after a bike ride

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