Can Pharmacies Benefit from the GP Strike?

With the news of doctors taking industrial action over changes to the NHS pension scheme later this month, Flame Health Pharmacy are in agreement with the Independent Pharmacy Federation that Pharmacists should promote their walk in services.
Clare Brazill, Divisional Partner at Flame Health Pharmacy says,
"With the GP walk out, Pharmacists have an opportunity to play a greater role in helping the community. If a patient is unable to see a GP on 21st June then it would be great to see Pharmacists giving them the alternative. A quick visit to see a pharmacist maybe all they need. It is important to remember that a Pharmacist is available at times to suit the patient, for example; after work. GP’s tend to close around this time, making it difficult to get an appointment. It would be great to see more patient-pharmacist relationships in the future from the GP walk out."

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