World Sight Day 2023: reinforcing the importance of eye health in the workplace

World Sight Day 2023: reinforcing the importance of eye health in the workplace

World Sight Day 2023: reinforcing the importance of eye health in the workplace

OT  rounds up activities from organisations recognising World Sight Day 2023. This World Sight Day (12 October), the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) is drawing attention to the importance of prioritising eye health in the workplace.

The Love Your Eyes at Work campaign aims to encourage employers to do more to protect the eye health of workers.

Peter Holland, CEO of IAPB, said: “We know that eye health has a profound impact on the wellbeing, productivity, and safety of employees. And this World Sight Day, we are committed to reinforcing the importance of eye health in the workplace.”

The campaign is a reminder, he suggested. “of the vital role our eyes can play in helping us reach our full potential at work and beyond.”

The IAPB has received more than 13 million pledges from individuals. As well as organisations committing to a sight test, more than double the figure reached last year.

As part of the World Sight Day activities, IAPB member organisations spanning 100 countries have been encouraged to host sight screenings.

“In a world where, for many, equitable access to eye care remains a distant reality. Pledging to ‘Love Your Eyes’ and hosting workplace vision screenings act as a powerful form of advocacy,” Holland said.

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