Pharmacists to train as prescribing supervisors - NHS funds

Pharmacists to train as prescribing supervisors – NHS funds

Pharmacists to train as prescribing supervisors - NHS funds

Pharmacists to train as prescribing supervisors with NHS funds. Health Education England has announced 1,000 new funded training places for pharmacy staff. In order to support their colleagues’ professional development. Half of which will go to prospective Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPPs).

In addition to training up these individuals to supervise other pharmacists’ work towards an independent prescribing qualification. A further 500 places are being offered to prospective Designated Supervisors (DSs) for trainee pharmacists, pre-registration pharmacy technician education supervisors and other roles.

The DPP training places are open to experienced independent prescribers. The DS places to pharmacists with at least three years’ experience and the education supervisor roles to both pharmacy technicians and pharmacists.

“Training will be flexible to accommodate work schedules and will allow learners to develop their skills and knowledge around delivering educational supervision while keeping patient safety and person-centred care at the forefront,” said HEE.

The programme is coordinated by NHS England’s Pharmacy Integration Programme, with the training delivered by ProPharmace.

Chief pharmaceutical officer David Webb said: “This is part of NHSE’s strategy to increase access to prescribing supervision in community pharmacy and create a culture where existing pharmacist independent prescribers train to become DPPs and DSs as part of their career development.

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Pharmacists Pharmacists to train as prescribing supervisors - NHS funds

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