Dentistry and parenthood – ‘listen to your body and your mind’

Dentistry and parenthood – ‘listen to your body and your mind’

Dentistry news and updates from the Flame Health blog. Robiha Nazir talks about the challenges of taking on parenthood while juggling a career in dentistry. She offers her top tips for balancing both.

Tell us a little about your journey into dentistry

I started off as a dental nurse on a Saturday when I was 16 years old. I wanted to go on to do dentistry at university but because I fell short of the required grades, I took a different path and ended up becoming a dental hygienist.

I’ve been one of (a few or many) to have been well supported in my career with nursing assistance and progressive principal dentists that have helped me to always be in high end practices with the newest technology.

This became a big thing for me. I recognised early on that the practice set up as well as the team support was crucial to being the best and having high standards of myself as well as providing high care for our patients.

Did you consciously wait until you had reached a certain place in your career to then decide to have a child?

I fell pregnant quite quickly after getting married and found myself in a whirlwind situation as I fought to be in a marriage of my choice and lived between Manchester and London at that time...

Dentistry and parenthood

Dentistry and parenthood – ‘listen to your body and your mind’

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