Optometry – The GOC’s new CPD scheme – Flame Health Blog

Optometry - The GOC’s new CPD scheme - Flame Health Blog

Optometry Today - CPD: A new era. OT's clinical editor and AOP head of education, Dr Ian Beasley, discusses the GOC’s new CPD scheme. They are sharing insight into his Personal Development Plan.

Almost a month into 2022 and for me the “New year, new me” mentality is now perhaps more accurately, “New year, same me,”. Yet another failed pledge to a list of resolutions that lasted hours rather than days. The GOC has shown much greater commitment to honoring its New Year’s pledge to overhaul its CET system. With the launch of a shiny new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme on 1 January 2022.

While many changes to the scheme will feel quite passive to most registrants, and in many respects less arduous, there are some aspects that require practitioners to pause for thought before diving into this brave new era of professional development.

Responding to change

Firstly, the shackles are off with a welcome move away from the ‘tick box’ competency system. Allowing registrants greater freedom to exercise judgment and tailor their learning needs in line with their scope of practice. While this is undoubtedly a positive change, practitioners will now have to think more carefully about fulfilling their own professional development needs.

You can read the full article on the Optometry Today website, by clicking here

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Optometry Optometry - CPD: A new era


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