We have created a survey aimed at Eye Care Professionals, please take a look!

We have created a survey aimed at Eye Care Professionals, please take a look!

We have created a survey to try and understand from your perspective, as an eye care professional (ECP), how multifocal contact lenses are perceived in your practice and the survey is open to Optometrists and Ophthalmologists.

As you would expect no personal information will be collected from the survey and all responses will be randomized. Thank you for your insight.

The Team at Flame Connect 

Follow this link to the Survey: here

Updates and Information

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Flame Connect: Connecting People and Product

Finally, our new web page is now up and running and we are very excited about it! We have been working hard on getting our website to where we want it to be for several months now. As well as an in-depth look as to who we are and what we have to offer. It is also a taster of the exceptional web design service that we now provide. Click here to visit our website today!

Other ways to connect with us

Why not check out the Flame Connect Healthcare Marketing Twitter page: here
Or alternatively, Flame Connect Healthcare Marketing LinkedIn page: here
There is also the Flame Connect Healthcare Marketing Facebook page: here

[caption id="attachment_46744" align="alignnone" width="800"]Survey Take a look at the new Survey from Flame Connect[/caption]

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