Have you ever considered relocating for a new career?

FH - RelocationIf you are thinking of relocating within the UK or moving to the UK from overseas Flame Health are ideally placed to provide relocation advice and ongoing support.
If you were offered a job in another city—or your current employer asked you to relocate—would you make the move? Some would say yes in a heartbeat, while others might struggle with the uncertainty that accompanies such a big change.
There are many different reasons why people would have to consider relocation due to employment which always has the pros and cons.
People choose to relocate for work for many reasons; a new job, an employer moving offices or premises, a promotion, lifestyle improvements or a change of career are just some examples. The prospect of moving for work, either within the country you reside or further afield, can prove an extremely daunting one which will require a huge amount of consideration before you commit fully.
How can I make the right decision for myself?
Firstly, the key to any successful move is to do your research. You will need to look into both the organisation you’re moving for (if you’re leaving a company) and into the region you’ve settled on.
Historically, the principal reason behind relocating for work purposes tended to be career advancement. However, in the face of a harsher economic climate, job seekers are more prepared to look elsewhere for work having exhausted all viable options on their own doorsteps.
Your first consideration when contemplating relocation for work has to be, where your family and friends fit in to your plans?
Moving home for work generates many important questions and social considerations, such as:

  • House prices – will you need to sell your home and how will you get on in your new location in the mortgage or rental market?
  • Cost of living – will you be moving to a more affluent area where your weekly/monthly outlay for the basics will dramatically increase?
  • Quality of life – how will your new commute compare to your previous arrangement, and will you be sufficiently stimulated by what your new location has to offer?
  • Schools – Having children and moving can be stressful enough, how does the standard of education compare in schools for your children and are there adequate preschool services for the younger ones?
  • Social networks – will you be lonely? Will you be leaving behind a community you feel part of, or friends and colleagues who are an intrinsic part of your life?

What will you get from your move?
Any major relocation - including family, house, career etc. - should be viewed as a medium to long-term arrangement of between two and five years, if not longer.
To this end, before you seal any deal with your future employer, you should establish the following:

  • Stability – will your current organisation still have a career for you in 18 months time? Moving and setting up a mortgage or living arrangement is a risk anyway without the risks of being a year into your new position to find out you may not have a job much longer.
  • Incentives to relocate – will your employer assist with your relocation costs or with the sale of your house? Will you receive adequate medical insurance for you and your family?
  • Networks – will you be in a position to build new networks to help advance your career?
  • The nature of the job – will you be stimulated by your new job? Will you get adequate training and will you be given the proper level of resources to perform?

Remember, relocating for work will undoubtedly be one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever have to make during your working life. So, being realistic about what you would like to achieve and keeping a positive outlook throughout the entire process is essential.
Our range of UK and International clients are in a position to provide you with a wide range of relocation benefits to help you with your move. They range from relocation allowances, location salary supplements, financial assistance with accommodation, travel allowances, flexible working options, VISA and Work Permit applications, Governing Body registration guidance and in some cases more bespoke packages depending on your current situation and the sector you work in.
We have been assisting people relocate for over ten years, so if you are considering a new challenge or feel that it may be time to take a different path in your career, then it may the time to explore some of the lucrative benefits currently on offer whilst you are at this juncture.
We also have International Opportunities available so if you are thinking of leaving the UK and working overseas we are also in position to provide support.
For more information on the comprehensive range of benefits currently available send us a message and arrange a call back or alternatively Speak to a Consultant 0800 085 0858 for more information regards to relocating.

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