The Specsavers Joint Venture Partnership Model

SpecsaversFrom the inception of the company in 1984, Specsavers has operated nearly all of its Optical Practices on a Joint Venture Partnership basis. This means that hundreds of Optometrists, Dispensing Opticians, Optical Retail Managers and Hearing AID Dispensers have had the chance to own and operate a business in which they have a significant financial interest. The Specsavers Joint Venture Partnership model was the first in British optics and the enthusiasm and commitment of those partners is what has driven Specsavers to become the largest Optical Group in Britain.
The business model has stayed the same for all of those years. Each Specsavers Store operates as a limited company. Shareholdings in the companies are allocated to the parent group and also to the "Joint Venture Partners" who run the practice day by day.
Put simply, the shares allocated to the "Joint Venture Partners" entitle those individuals to take a salary from the business and also to take any distributable profit.
Responsibility for the day to day running of the business also sits with the "joint Venture Partners" and Specsavers further supports its partners by handling payroll, tax, vat, marketing, buying and other issues as required.
Investment levels vary according to the size of a practice but can be as low as £20,000 for an Optical Business or £8,000 for a Hearcare Business.
If you are interested in finding out more about Optical Joint Venture Partnership Opportunities at Specsavers – email or alternatively speak to a consultant on our dedicated Specsavers Recruitment Phone Number – 0333 033 9993

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