My Flame Health Monthly Update – December

imagesAs we edge ever closer to the end of 2014, here at Flame Health we are looking forward to a celebratory festive period after one of our most successful years ever! November saw a continuation of the achievements of previous months, and as we finish the year on a high we are already seeing a profitable 2015 starting to take shape.
November was an industrious and very quick month within Optical Sales and Healthcare Sales. It’s very pleasing to see so many new clients wanting to work with us and, by virtue of this, an increase in candidates making the whole recruitment process so much easier. The signs are very good for 2015 within this sector, given the level of activity, but we of course always want to be even busier, so we again encourage more candidates and clients to register with us before the year draws to a close.
For the GP side of the business, November saw lots of opportunities come in throughout the UK, most notably in Brighton, Essex, Leicester, London, Stoke, Nottingham and Manchester. These fantastic opportunities are offering salaries of £100k+ as well as excellent benefits and great working environments. If you are a GP in these areas, or you would consider relocating, contact us today to discuss your options in more detail and find out about relocation assistance on offer. We are also currently recruiting for a GP Assistant Manager role in Berkshire, which would be perfect for somebody with healthcare management experience.
With regards to Nursing, we are seeking Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses for brand new practices in Brighton, Nottingham, Leicester and London, with salaries of up to £46k, as well as flexitime and fantastic benefits packages; these opportunities really are not to be missed! We advise any interested candidates to register your interest with us today.
November was another quality month in the Dentistry area of the business. We successfully placed a number of Dentists in South Wales and we are keen to speak to any other Dentists looking to work in and around the Swansea area, as we are now recruiting for two independent practices there. We currently have some urgent Locum Dentist requirements in Kent, Devon and Dorset with good rates! If you are a Locum Dentist in these areas available for work in the near future, get in touch.
For Flame Care, November saw a Head Teacher placement made within a Special Education Needs day school, as well as a part-time Dietician placed within a mental health hospital. This was something new for us and we look forward to working with more Dieticians in the future; contact us to find out about the vacancies we are recruiting for. Flame Care are also working with a national client in the recruitment of Registered General Nurses and Registered Mental Health Nurses for all of their nursing homes across the country. On the education side, we’re working for a major account in the recruitment of a Deputy Head Teacher and Head Teacher for a brand new ASD day school opening up in Buckinghamshire which promises to be an exciting opportunity for the right candidates.
November was another consistently strong month for the Flame Health Optometry team, with placements made across our whole client base and a record breaking number of new vacancies coming into the business which is fantastic news! There are certainly no signs of productivity slowing down any time soon in this area and we are looking forward to a very busy Christmas!
If you’re hoping to spend some of the extra free-time over Christmas searching for your next career move, register your details with us and let us do the hard work for you! It couldn’t be simpler…
Whether you work within Optometry, Dentistry, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Optical Sales or the Veterinary or Care sectors, our specially trained teams are waiting to help you with all of your recruitment needs. Contact us today: Freephone on 0800 085 0858 or if calling from a mobile on 01158 114488 alternatively email
Don’t forget, you can stay up-to date with our latest vacancies by subscribing to our ‘stay-on-track’ feature which is part of our fantastic and free My Flame Premium Members service – see more at:

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