First Ever Interview? Or First One For A While? Flame Health's Tips For Success…Part Two

imagesIf you have managed to secure your first ever job interview, or you haven't had one for longer than you care to remember, the prospect can be daunting. Something to consider, which may help with any nerves, is that you have been invited for an interview because the employer believes you are a potential fit for the role in question, and the meeting is your chance to prove that you are. An interview is not just about the company's assessment of you, it's also a chance for you to see if this is the kind of environment and business you would like to work for, so think of it as a two-way process.
Whether you are completely new to the job market or you have years of experience behind you, Flame Health's tips for interview success remain largely the same. Following on from Part One posted on Friday, here are some things to think about on the big day...
Watch your body language. Try not to let nerves get the better of you - greet your interviewer with a smile and a strong handshake. When in the interview, sit up straight and make sure you appear interested and engaged. When giving your answers, make eye-contact with the interviewer (if there is more than one person interviewing you, direct your answers to everybody, not just the person who asked the question). If you are offered a drink, politely ask for a glass of water, this will be a life-saver if your mouth becomes dry.
Always ask questions. At the end of the interview, you will usually be asked if you have any questions, the answer must always be yes! Prepare at least five questions, so that you have back-up if some of the answers are covered throughout the interview. Avoid asking questions about the salary or hours, these can be discussed at a later stage. Instead, focus your questions on discovering more about the company e.g. how many people are based in this office? What are the opportunities for progression? If you feel comfortable enough, you could even ask the interviewer what they enjoy about working there.
Flame Health can help you with all aspects of the recruitment process, if you work within the following sectors, contact us today to find out more:
Optometry, Dentistry, Healthcare Sales Pharmacy, Veterinary, Care, GP, Nursing,Cosmetic Surgery, Pharma
Freephone on 0800 085 0858 or if calling from a mobile on 01158 114488 alternatively email

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