Proud To Be A Part Of The Nottingham Jobs Pledge

NJP logo V1Over the past eighteen months, Flame Health have welcomed two Business Administration Apprentices into our Business Support division; one has already completed and passed her apprenticeship with flying colours and is now a permanent and valued member of the team, and the other is making excellent progress and working towards achieving the same goal this time next year.
As a result of this, we are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Nottingham Jobs Pledge certificate!
The Nottingham Jobs Pledge provides businesses with the chance to bring further growth to Nottingham and provide support, training and employment opportunities to the young people of the city. Nottingham City Council is partnering with One Nottingham, WORKing for YOUth, Futures and the Department for Work and Pensions, to address youth unemployment and the skills gap by pioneering a range of initiatives.
To find out more, visit:
For all of our latest healthcare and life sciences opportunities across the UK, visit our website.

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