UK Report On Jobs For July Published

downloadThe UK Report On Jobs, produced by Markit and sponsored by the REC and KPMG LLP, has been published for July and permanent placements are once again on the rise.
Here is a summary of the main points:

  • Permanent placements rise at fastest the fastest rate in five months
  • Temporary placements have also seen growth
  • There has been a record decline in the availability of permanent candidates
  • Starting salaries are also growing

Bernard Brown, Partner and Head of Business Services at KPMG, had this to say of the results:
'It seems that employees are finally beginning to wake up to the opportunities available to them, with the rates of growth of both permanent and temporary placements accelerating simultaneously for the first ti
me since the winter.

“Perhaps it’s true that ‘every person has their price’ because the movement in labour is coinciding with another rise in starting salaries. Just a few months ago employers couldn’t tempt staff to switch roles, but indications are that employees’ caution over change is being replaced with hunger for something new.' 

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