Get On The Career Ladder In 2014… Flame Health's Tips

images (1)The competition for jobs can seem overwhelming sometimes; and your chances of success decrease with every application made by somebody else. This is true of many different jobs on all rungs of the career ladder, but one group of candidates which can face the fiercest competition, and usually have little or no work experience to support their applications, is graduates.
Flame Health understand that it can feel like the hard work only really starts once you have attained your qualification! But here are a few tips to focus your job search and ensure you are applying for the right roles with the right companies. Graduate job applications can take hours, so it's important you don't waste valuable time.

  1. Know what you want - this may seem daunting, but deciding what kind of job you would like, what sort of company appeals to you and why you think you would be good in that role are crucial things to clarify; commit it to paper and refer back to it when you lose focus
  2. Get organised! It's easy to lose track of where and when you have applied, so make a list, or a spread sheet, to keep on top of things; if you get a call out of the blue about an application you should have this information to hand so you know which job you're talking about straight away!
  3. Take your time - as already mentioned, graduate job applications usually take a while, so be prepared for this and don't rush to complete one ten minutes before you need to go somewhere; allow yourself adequate time to complete the forms fully and do yourself justice
  4. Stand out - your application will probably be read at the same time as many others, so try to differentiate yourself - how are you unique? Experiences such as volunteering or work experience can help here.
  5. Network - think about what the people you know do... and the people they know; does anybody have a link to the industry you want to work in? Don't be scared to ask for help, offer to buy somebody a coffee in return for some advice

If your qualification is in the following subjects, luckily for you Flame Health can do the hard work for you!
Optometry, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Care, GP, Nursing
Contact us today: Freephone on 0800 085 0858 or if calling from a mobile on 01158 114488 alternatively email

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