Students and Graduates! Flame Health's Top Tips For Careers Fairs…

IMAG0015The teams at Flame Health have attended numerous university careers fairs over the years to introduce ourselves and our recruitment services to  students and graduates across the country, and we understand it can sometimes be a nerve-wracking experience. The idea of approaching a company’s stand and introducing yourself is a frightening prospect for some! Here are some of our top tips for making the most of an opportunity to connect with potential employers:

  • Do your research – find out which companies are attending and pick your top 5 to speak to
  • Practice your opening lines – this may sound silly, but being confident about what you want to say will help on the day

(Some examples: ‘Hi, my name is…, could you tell me about graduate opportunities with your company?’ or ‘Hi, could you tell me a bit more about your company?’)

  • Prepare some follow-up questions – don’t forget, these events are also about you exploring companies you might like to work for, so use the chance to find out if they would be a good fit for you

(Some examples: ‘What is the workplace environment like?’ or ‘What characteristics do you look for in applicants?’)

  • Stay in touch – after speaking with companies, follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Linked In to stay up-to-date with their latest opportunities

Here at Flame Health our specially trained consultants have a wealth of experience, and we can provide help and advice for a range of recruitment issues – from writing a CV to creating the best impression at interview stage, we provide a tailored and confidential service to both our candidates and clients.
If you work within the Optometry, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Care, Nursing, Pharma, Veterinary or Private Healthcare sectors, or if you are a recent graduate in these areas, contact us today and we’ll see how we can help you.
Freephone on 0800 085 0858 // or if calling from a mobile on 01158 114488 // email 

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