Survey Finds Most GPs Support Plans To Charge Migrants To Access NHS

A survey by Pulse ( has found that 55% of 647 GPs surveyed from across the UK support the proposed charge for migrants moneyto access the NHS. From those surveyed, 30% disagreed with the plans, and the remainder were unsure of how they felt about the possible changes.
International medical graduates in the UK also appear to mostly support the plans, with 48% of 113 GPs asked saying they agreed with the idea, and 34% being opposed to the measures.
This is in response to a report commissioned and published by the Department of Health this week which claims that introducing this levy could raise £200m a year for the NHS. The report prompted negative responses from the RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) and the BMA (British Medical Association), with the former warning against GPs becoming 'a new border agency' for the NHS, and the latter concerned that the plans could be detrimental to patients.
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