UK Report On Jobs For June Brings Good News

The latest UK Report On Jobs for June has been published by Markit, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and KPMG LLP, and Flame Health were delighted to learn that this month's data suggests things are looking up in the jobs market. Here are some of the main points:

  • Permanent placement growth was at a 26 month high in June
  • Permanent staff appointments rose at the fastest pace since April 2011
  • Vacancy growth was at a 3 year high
  • Pay growth has also accelerated

Bernard Brown, Partner and Head of Business Services at KPMG, had this to say of the results:
'All the signs seem to be pointing towards an economy on an upward trajectory...Perhaps the sun has finally come out to shine on the jobs market and economy at large?'
If this positivity spurs you on to think about taking the next step in your career, contact Flame Health today and we can help!
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