Exciting Development In Contact Lenses Gives Telescopic Vision

The Flame Health Optometry team were interested to learn that contact lenses have recently been developed by researchers which, when paired with specialContact Lens spectacles, bestow telescopic vision on the wearer.
This futuristic combination of contact lenses and spectacles magnifies scene details by 2.8 times.
The spectacles which must be worn to achieve the telescopic effect contain filters, which allow the wearer to switch between normal and telescopic vision.
Although this may sound like a gadget from a science-fiction film, it is actually hoped that this development will help those suffering from age-related macular degeneration, which is one of the most common forms of blindness.
To find out more about the science behind the contact lenses, click this link : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23142469

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