Three Quarters Of Pharma, Biotech And Medical Device Professionals To Change Jobs In The Next 12 Months

flamepharmalogo1A report has been published detailing how European pharma, biotech and medical devices companies are at risk of losing three quarters of their top staff in the next 12 months.
The report revealed that while confidence in job security is up, this confidence is leading professionals to seek new opportunities elsewhere.
The report suggests that over half of those surveryed would consider a move to the Americas for their next job, and 40.6% would seriously consider a move to Asia.
If you are within the Pharma, Biotech or Medical Devices industries and you are seeking a new challenge, Flame Pharma can help!
Get in touch by calling 0800 085 0858 or if calling from a mobile on 01158 114488 alternatively email

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