Looking to sell your Optical Practice?

Looking to Sell your Optical Practice?

Flame Health Practice Sales are working with experienced Optometrists who are looking to expand their practice portfolios.
Flame Health Practices Sales Option packages is a tailored approach to selling your business. Broken into three distinctive packages – Exclusive, Exclusive Retained and Contingency, our flexible range of options allows you to choose the most appropriate & effective solution to selling your business.
In order to represent your business fully and to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome, a process of consultation is essential. Either face to face or via telephone, we establish your needs and objectives with regards to what resource will be required and what time frames we are working towards. Once understood, this allows us to provide a comprehensive Options package which is tailored to meet your exact needs; this way you only take advantage of the features that are relevant to your specific needs and requirements.
Current Optical Practices WANTED!

Optical Practice Wanted in the Surrey, Hampshire, Sussex or Suffolk area

Optical Practice Wanted in the West Yorkshire area
Optical Practice Wanted in the West Midlands, Staffordshire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire areas
Optical Practices Wanted in the Lancashire area

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