Dental Nurse Annual Retention Fee Freeze

What are your thoughts to the recent freeze on GDC fees?
The GDC has decided to freeze the annual retention fee at £120 for Dental Nurses in 2013.
The leader of the British Dental Association, Nicola Docherty says that this freeze is inadequate.
"We have supplied the GDC with detailed information on dental nurse salaries, showing that the £120 ARF causes considerable financial hardship to dental nurses.  We have also requested that the GDC lower the ARF for dental nurses to a fee more in line with salaries – instead of charging dental nurses the same ARF as hygienists and therapists – and that they implement a special fee for those working part time."
As a Dental Nurse, do you agree with Nicola? Are you struggling to pay these fees? Or do you think it is just part and parcel of the job?

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