Flame Health Dentistry Weekly Department Update

Flame Health Dentistry have had a great week. They have been speaking with a prestigious group of dental practices who are looking to recruit a dedicated Associate Dentist in Newark. This role has a highly competitive NHS contract value for the local area, with 7000 - 8000 UDAs available and 50% paid for private work carried out. Interested? Contact the team today for more information.
The team are also wanting to speak with Dental Professionals who are looking for partner positions in private practices in Lincolnshire and Locum Dentists who reside in the South Wales area.

Flame Health Dentistry
is selling a single surgery mixed practice in Nottingham and would like to speak to interested buyers in the area. David Holden would be keen to speak with you today if this is of interest to you.
David is also seeking a final couple of practices to be acquired in South Yorkshire, forming a new group of dental practices. If you are looking to sell your practice and remain working there for the next 2-10 years he would be keen to have initial discussions with you.

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