Should acid levels be published on packaging?

Flame Health Dentistry were intrigued to hear the results from an investigation by the Sunday Telegraph. The investigation showed that manufactures are required to publish nutritional content of drinks on the label but not their levels of acid.
From this investigation a leading dentist has recommended parents change their children’s drinking habits and give them water and a handful of chocolate buttons instead. Having less acid per day will help against damaged tooth enamel.
David Holden, Divisional Partner at Flame Health agrees with Kathy Harley, Dean of the Dental Faculty at the Royal College of Surgeons,
"It is sad to see children as young as five having damaged tooth enamel. Parents need to realise how much acid and sugar is in certain foods. However, some parents may not be aware, so the question is; should manufacturers show the acid content on their labels?"
Flame Health Dentistry are keen to see what may come of this investigation.

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