Flame Health Associates receives excellent coverage in The Times in response to Budget 2012

It was great to see that we received excellent coverage across a wide range of media in relation to our Budget 2012 response. We made The Times within it's Budget 2012 supplement titled Investing in Business, which was a great result for Flame Health & Flame Pharma to get this type of high quality exposure in a publication such as The Times.
The publication was founded in 1788 and is owned by News International, the main UK subsidiary of the News Corporation and Fox Entertainment Group which also owns The Sunday Times and The Sun. The newspaper publishes in-depth national and international news alongside dedicated supplements in business, lifestyle and opinion columns from experts.
We also had additional coverage online from a business and regional business perspective in The Recruiter and Recruitment International .
We feel that we need renewed confidence in the UK and European economies and from our perspective we didn’t expect that to be resolved in the Budget and it hasn’t;  however we feel as a businesses we need to continue being creative and strategic whilst continuing to collectively work hard in order to achieve our objectives - there does not appear to be any major game changes within Budget 2012!
From a regional perspective we were hoping to see plans for the electrification of the Midland mainline to shave 1hour from a return journey to London. It also it is disappointing not to see Nottingham in the initial wave for super fast broadband especially given that we are mainly a web based business using cloud technology.
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