Low Morale within Dentistry

The British Dental Association (BDA) has warned that growing bureaucracy is destroying the morale of high street dentists which in turn could be driving experienced dental practitioners to retire early or to leave the NHS.
According to BDA research, excessive administration is the primary factor behind a downturn in a dentists’ confidence.
Nearly half of all high street dentists are now reporting that their morale has fallen during the past 12 months, with a third reporting that their morale is now either low or very low. Staggeringly, more than 60% of those surveyed said that growing administration was to blame for the decline in morale.
The BDA is concerned that adding a further layer of bureaucracy which comes into force in 2011 with the registration of dental practices with the Care Quality Commission, could exacerbate the problems that are already being seen.
We are keen to see what you think to these latest reports by the BDA. We feel that this is a serious concern that could affect both a patients’ ability to access dental care and also the industry could be severely deprived of highly experienced dentists.
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